Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nigs to working yes to the dole!

Since I got a Christmas job in Debenhams I've realised that working isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are loads of disadvantages to actually having a job, so I'm going to list them all now:
  • Only getting paid once a month means I always forget that I don't get paid once a week anymore and I'm now poor for 3weeks out of 4.
  • Having to pretend that a certain item isn't in stock to a customer because I can't remember how to use the stockroom computer.
  • Small children who run into displays and rails that u just spent 2 hours fixing and then have to fix again.
  • Having to work until 12am Thursday, Friday and Saturday on mega weeks meaning there's no way of going out that weekend AND having to spend my wages on a taxi home at after 12am meter rates.
  • Rude women who go mental at you because we don't sell 'jeggings' in a size 30.
  • Rude women again who pick up an item off a rail your fixing at the moment then just drop it on the floor when they lose interest (they could at least wait until I'm not there).
  • Having to work Christmas Eve and Stephens Day.
  • The fact the staff canteen shuts at 6pm so when my breaks any later I have to live off water from the locker room dispenser.
  • When everyone looks when you drop loads of hangers on the floor and your manager shoots you filthys.

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